matrix dendrite deploy guide

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matrix dendrite deploy guide

帖子 BobMaster »

Dendrite is a second-generation Matrix homeserver written in Go!

Here we will use docker to deploy dendrite with s3 storage

Project structure
❯ tree -L 3
├── compose.yaml
├── config
│   ├── dendrite.yaml
│   ├── matrix_key.pem
├── media-repo
│   └── data
│       └── media-repo.yaml
└── postgresql.conf

1. Create compose file
sample compose.yaml

代码: 全选

    hostname: postgres
    image: postgres:15-alpine
    restart: always
    container_name: dendrite_matrix_db
    command: ["postgres", "-c", "config_file=/etc/postgresql.conf"]
      - ./postgresql:/var/lib/postgresql/data
      - ./postgresql.conf:/etc/postgresql.conf
      test: ["CMD-SHELL", "pg_isready -U postgres"]
      interval: 5s
      timeout: 5s
      retries: 5
      - internal
      - dendrite_network

    hostname: monolith
    image: matrixdotorg/dendrite-monolith:latest
    container_name: dendrite_matrix_server
      - ./config:/etc/dendrite
      - ./media:/var/dendrite/media
      - postgres
      - media_repo
      - internal
      - dendrite_network
    restart: unless-stopped

  # External media API for S3 storage
    hostname: media_repo
    image: turt2live/matrix-media-repo:latest
    restart: always
    container_name: dendrite_matrix_media_repo
      - postgres
      - ""
      - ./media-repo/data:/data
      - dendrite_network

    attachable: true
Create postgresql.conf using PGTUNE

2. Prepare database
launch postgresql database

代码: 全选

docker compose up postgres -d
enter db container environment

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docker exec -it dendrite_matrix_db sh
change user to postgres

代码: 全选

su postgres
create user and database

代码: 全选

# dendrite database
createuser -P dendrite
createdb -O dendrite -E UTF-8 dendrite

# matrix-media-repo database
createuser -P mediarepo
createdb -O mediarepo -E UTF-8 mediarepo
exit the container

代码: 全选

docker compose down

3. Prepare dendrite monolith configuration
generate matrix_key.pem

代码: 全选

docker run --rm --entrypoint="" \
  -v $(pwd):/mnt \
  matrixdotorg/dendrite-monolith:latest \
  /usr/bin/generate-keys \
  -private-key /mnt/matrix_key.pem
create config folder for dendrite server

代码: 全选

mkdir config
move matrix_key.pem to the config folder

代码: 全选

mv matrix_key.pem config/
create dendrite.yaml
replace with your server name

代码: 全选

# vim config/dendrite.yaml

# This is the Dendrite configuration file.
# The configuration is split up into sections - each Dendrite component has a
# configuration section, in addition to the "global" section which applies to
# all components.

# The version of the configuration file.
version: 2

# Global Matrix configuration. This configuration applies to all components.
  # The domain name of this homeserver.

  # The path to the signing private key file, used to sign requests and events.
  # Note that this is NOT the same private key as used for TLS! To generate a
  # signing key, use "./bin/generate-keys --private-key matrix_key.pem".
  private_key: matrix_key.pem

  # The paths and expiry timestamps (as a UNIX timestamp in millisecond precision)
  # to old signing keys that were formerly in use on this domain name. These
  # keys will not be used for federation request or event signing, but will be
  # provided to any other homeserver that asks when trying to verify old events.
  #  If the old private key file is available:
  #  - private_key: old_matrix_key.pem
  #    expired_at: 1601024554498
  #  If only the public key (in base64 format) and key ID are known:
  #  - public_key: mn59Kxfdq9VziYHSBzI7+EDPDcBS2Xl7jeUdiiQcOnM=
  #    key_id: ed25519:mykeyid
  #    expired_at: 1601024554498

  # How long a remote server can cache our server signing key before requesting it
  # again. Increasing this number will reduce the number of requests made by other
  # servers for our key but increases the period that a compromised key will be
  # considered valid by other homeservers.
  key_validity_period: 168h0m0s

  # Global database connection pool, for PostgreSQL monolith deployments only. If
  # this section is populated then you can omit the "database" blocks in all other
  # sections. For monolith deployments using SQLite databases,
  # you must configure the "database" block for each component instead.
    connection_string: postgresql://dendrite:dendrite@postgres/dendrite?sslmode=disable
    max_open_conns: 90
    max_idle_conns: 5
    conn_max_lifetime: -1

  # Configuration for in-memory caches. Caches can often improve performance by
  # keeping frequently accessed items (like events, identifiers etc.) in memory
  # rather than having to read them from the database.
    # The estimated maximum size for the global cache in bytes, or in terabytes,
    # gigabytes, megabytes or kilobytes when the appropriate 'tb', 'gb', 'mb' or
    # 'kb' suffix is specified. Note that this is not a hard limit, nor is it a
    # memory limit for the entire process. A cache that is too small may ultimately
    # provide little or no benefit.
    max_size_estimated: 1gb

    # The maximum amount of time that a cache entry can live for in memory before
    # it will be evicted and/or refreshed from the database. Lower values result in
    # easier admission of new cache entries but may also increase database load in
    # comparison to higher values, so adjust conservatively. Higher values may make
    # it harder for new items to make it into the cache, e.g. if new rooms suddenly
    # become popular.
    max_age: 1h

  # The server name to delegate server-server communications to, with optional port
  # e.g. localhost:443
  well_known_server_name: ""

  # The server name to delegate client-server communications to, with optional port
  # e.g. localhost:443
  well_known_client_name: ""

  # Lists of domains that the server will trust as identity servers to verify third
  # party identifiers such as phone numbers and email addresses.

  # Disables federation. Dendrite will not be able to communicate with other servers
  # in the Matrix federation and the federation API will not be exposed.
  disable_federation: false

  # Configures the handling of presence events. Inbound controls whether we receive
  # presence events from other servers, outbound controls whether we send presence
  # events for our local users to other servers.
    enable_inbound: false
    enable_outbound: false

  # Configures phone-home statistics reporting. These statistics contain the server
  # name, number of active users and some information on your deployment config.
  # We use this information to understand how Dendrite is being used in the wild.
    enabled: false

  # Server notices allows server admins to send messages to all users on the server.
    enabled: false
    # The local part, display name and avatar URL (as a mxc:// URL) for the user that
    # will send the server notices. These are visible to all users on the deployment.
    local_part: "_server"
    display_name: "Server Alerts"
    avatar_url: ""
    # The room name to be used when sending server notices. This room name will
    # appear in user clients.
    room_name: "Server Alerts"

  # Configuration for NATS JetStream
    # A list of NATS Server addresses to connect to. If none are specified, an
    # internal NATS server will be started automatically when running Dendrite in
    # monolith mode.
    # - localhost:4222

    # Disable the validation of TLS certificates of NATS. This is
    # not recommended in production since it may allow NATS traffic
    # to be sent to an insecure endpoint.
    disable_tls_validation: false

    # Persistent directory to store JetStream streams in. This directory should be
    # preserved across Dendrite restarts.
    storage_path: ./

    # The prefix to use for stream names for this homeserver - really only useful
    # if you are running more than one Dendrite server on the same NATS deployment.
    topic_prefix: Dendrite

  # Configuration for Prometheus metric collection.
    enabled: false
      username: metrics
      password: metrics

  # Optional DNS cache. The DNS cache may reduce the load on DNS servers if there
  # is no local caching resolver available for use.
    enabled: true
    cache_size: 256
    cache_lifetime: "5m" # 5 minutes;

# Configuration for the Appservice API.
  # Disable the validation of TLS certificates of appservices. This is
  # not recommended in production since it may allow appservice traffic
  # to be sent to an insecure endpoint.
  disable_tls_validation: false

  # Appservice configuration files to load into this homeserver.
  #  - /path/to/appservice_registration.yaml

# Configuration for the Client API.
  # Prevents new users from being able to register on this homeserver, except when
  # using the registration shared secret below.
  registration_disabled: true

  # Prevents new guest accounts from being created. Guest registration is also
  # disabled implicitly by setting 'registration_disabled' above.
  guests_disabled: true

  # If set, allows registration by anyone who knows the shared secret, regardless
  # of whether registration is otherwise disabled.
  registration_shared_secret: ""

  # Whether to require reCAPTCHA for registration. If you have enabled registration
  # then this is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to reduce the risk of your homeserver being used
  # for coordinated spam attacks.
  enable_registration_captcha: false

  # Settings for ReCAPTCHA.
  recaptcha_public_key: ""
  recaptcha_private_key: ""
  recaptcha_bypass_secret: ""
  # To use instead of ReCAPTCHA, set the following parameters, otherwise just keep them empty.
  # recaptcha_siteverify_api: ""
  # recaptcha_api_js_url: ""
  # recaptcha_form_field: "h-captcha-response"
  # recaptcha_sitekey_class: "h-captcha"

  # TURN server information that this homeserver should send to clients.
    turn_user_lifetime: "5m"
    #  -
    #  -
    turn_shared_secret: ""
    # If your TURN server requires static credentials, then you will need to enter
    # them here instead of supplying a shared secret. Note that these credentials
    # will be visible to clients!
    # turn_username: ""
    # turn_password: ""

  # Settings for rate-limited endpoints. Rate limiting kicks in after the threshold
  # number of "slots" have been taken by requests from a specific host. Each "slot"
  # will be released after the cooloff time in milliseconds. Server administrators
  # and appservice users are exempt from rate limiting by default.
    enabled: true
    threshold: 20
    cooloff_ms: 500
    #  - ""

# Configuration for the Federation API.
  # How many times we will try to resend a failed transaction to a specific server. The
  # backoff is 2**x seconds, so 1 = 2 seconds, 2 = 4 seconds, 3 = 8 seconds etc. Once
  # the max retries are exceeded, Dendrite will no longer try to send transactions to
  # that server until it comes back to life and connects to us again.
  send_max_retries: 16

  # Disable the validation of TLS certificates of remote federated homeservers. Do not
  # enable this option in production as it presents a security risk!
  disable_tls_validation: false

  # Disable HTTP keepalives, which also prevents connection reuse. Dendrite will typically
  # keep HTTP connections open to remote hosts for 5 minutes as they can be reused much
  # more quickly than opening new connections each time. Disabling keepalives will close
  # HTTP connections immediately after a successful request but may result in more CPU and
  # memory being used on TLS handshakes for each new connection instead.
  disable_http_keepalives: false

  # Perspective keyservers to use as a backup when direct key fetches fail. This may
  # be required to satisfy key requests for servers that are no longer online when
  # joining some rooms.
    - server_name:
        - key_id: ed25519:auto
          public_key: Noi6WqcDj0QmPxCNQqgezwTlBKrfqehY1u2FyWP9uYw
        - key_id: ed25519:a_RXGa
          public_key: l8Hft5qXKn1vfHrg3p4+W8gELQVo8N13JkluMfmn2sQ

  # This option will control whether Dendrite will prefer to look up keys directly
  # or whether it should try perspective servers first, using direct fetches as a
  # last resort.
  prefer_direct_fetch: false

# Configuration for the Media API.
  # Storage path for uploaded media. May be relative or absolute.
  base_path: ./media_store

  # The maximum allowed file size (in bytes) for media uploads to this homeserver
  # (0 = unlimited). If using a reverse proxy, ensure it allows requests at least
  #this large (e.g. the client_max_body_size setting in nginx).
  max_file_size_bytes: 104857600

  # Whether to dynamically generate thumbnails if needed.
  dynamic_thumbnails: false

  # The maximum number of simultaneous thumbnail generators to run.
  max_thumbnail_generators: 10

  # A list of thumbnail sizes to be generated for media content.
    - width: 32
      height: 32
      method: crop
    - width: 96
      height: 96
      method: crop
    - width: 640
      height: 480
      method: scale

# Configuration for enabling experimental MSCs on this homeserver.
  #  - msc2836  # (Threading, see
  #  - msc2946  # (Spaces Summary, see

# Configuration for the Sync API.
  # This option controls which HTTP header to inspect to find the real remote IP
  # address of the client. This is likely required if Dendrite is running behind
  # a reverse proxy server.
  real_ip_header: X-Real-IP

  # Configuration for the full-text search engine.
    # Whether or not search is enabled.
    enabled: true

    # The path where the search index will be created in.
    index_path: "./searchindex"

    # The language most likely to be used on the server - used when indexing, to
    # ensure the returned results match expectations. A full list of possible languages
    # can be found at
    language: "en"

# Configuration for the User API.
  # The cost when hashing passwords on registration/login. Default: 10. Min: 4, Max: 31
  # See for more information.
  # Setting this lower makes registration/login consume less CPU resources at the cost
  # of security should the database be compromised. Setting this higher makes registration/login
  # consume more CPU resources but makes it harder to brute force password hashes. This value
  # can be lowered if performing tests or on embedded Dendrite instances (e.g WASM builds).
  bcrypt_cost: 10

  # The length of time that a token issued for a relying party from
  # /_matrix/client/r0/user/{userId}/openid/request_token endpoint
  # is considered to be valid in milliseconds.
  # The default lifetime is 3600000ms (60 minutes).
  # openid_token_lifetime_ms: 3600000

  # Users who register on this homeserver will automatically be joined to the rooms listed under "auto_join_rooms" option.
  # By default, any room aliases included in this list will be created as a publicly joinable room
  # when the first user registers for the homeserver. If the room already exists,
  # make certain it is a publicly joinable room, i.e. the join rule of the room must be set to 'public'.
  # As Spaces are just rooms under the hood, Space aliases may also be used.
  #  - ""

# Configuration for Opentracing.
# See for information on
# how this works and how to set it up.
  enabled: false
    serviceName: ""
    disabled: false
    rpc_metrics: false
    tags: []
    sampler: null
    reporter: null
    headers: null
    baggage_restrictions: null
    throttler: null

# Logging configuration. The "std" logging type controls the logs being sent to
# stdout. The "file" logging type controls logs being written to a log folder on
# the disk. Supported log levels are "debug", "info", "warn", "error".
  - type: std
    level: info
  - type: file
    level: info
      path: ./logs

4. Create matrix-media-repo configuration file
create media-repo folder

代码: 全选

mkdir -p media-repo/data/
replace with your server name

代码: 全选

# vim media-repo/data/media-repo.yaml

# General repo configuration
  bindAddress: ''
  port: 8000

# The database configuration for the media repository
# Do NOT put your homeserver's existing database credentials here. Create a new database and
# user instead. Using the same server is fine, just not the same username and database.
  # Currently only "postgres" is supported.
  postgres: "postgresql://mediarepo:mediarepo@postgres/mediarepo?sslmode=disable"

# The configuration for the homeservers this media repository is known to control. Servers
# not listed here will not be able to upload media.
  - name: '' # This should match the server_name of your homeserver, and the Host header
                      # provided to the media repo.
    csApi: "http://monolith:8008" # The base URL to where the homeserver can actually be reached

# These users have full access to the administrative functions of the media repository.
# See docs/ for information on what these people can do. They must belong to one of the
# configured homeservers above.
  - "@xxxxxx:xxxxxxx"

# Datastores are places where media should be persisted. This isn't dedicated for just uploads:
# thumbnails and other misc data is also stored in these places. The media repo, when looking
# for a datastore to use, will always use the smallest datastore first.
  - type: s3
    enabled: true # Enable this to set up s3 uploads
    forKinds: ["thumbnails", "remote_media", "local_media", "archives"]
      # The s3 uploader needs a temporary location to buffer files to reduce memory usage on
      # small file uploads. If the file size is unknown, the file is written to this location
      # before being uploaded to s3 (then the file is deleted). If you aren't concerned about
      # memory usage, set this to an empty string.
      tempPath: "/tmp/mediarepo_s3_upload"
      endpoint: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
      accessKeyId: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
      accessSecret: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
      ssl: true
      bucketName: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
      # An optional region for where this S3 endpoint is located. Typically not needed, though
      # some providers will need this (like Scaleway). Uncomment to use.
      region: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
      # An optional storage class for tuning how the media is stored at s3.
      # See for details; uncomment to use.
      #storageClass: STANDARD

# Options for controlling archives. Archives are exports of a particular user's content for
# the purpose of GDPR or moving media to a different server.
  # Whether archiving is enabled or not. Default enabled.
  enabled: true
  # If true, users can request a copy of their own data. By default, only repository administrators
  # can request a copy.
  # This includes the ability for homeserver admins to request a copy of their own server's
  # data, as known to the repo.
  selfService: false
  # The number of bytes to target per archive before breaking up the files. This is independent
  # of any file upload limits and will require a similar amount of memory when performing an export.
  # The file size is also a target, not a guarantee - it is possible to have files that are smaller
  # or larger than the target. This is recommended to be approximately double the size of your
  # file upload limit, provided there is enough memory available for the demand of exporting.
  targetBytesPerPart: 209715200 # 200mb default

# The file upload settings for the media repository
  # The maximum individual file size a user can upload.
  maxBytes: 104857600 # 100MB default, 0 to disable

  # The minimum number of bytes to let people upload. This is recommended to be non-zero to
  # ensure that the "cost" of running the media repo is worthwhile - small file uploads tend
  # to waste more CPU and database resources than small files, thus a default of 100 bytes
  # is applied here as an approximate break-even point.
  minBytes: 100 # 100 bytes by default

# Settings related to downloading files from the media repository
  # The maximum number of bytes to download from other servers
  maxBytes: 104857600 # 100MB default, 0 to disable

  # The number of workers to use when downloading remote media. Raise this number if remote
  # media is downloading slowly or timing out.
  # Maximum memory usage = numWorkers multiplied by the maximum download size
  # Average memory usage is dependent on how many concurrent downloads your users are doing.
  numWorkers: 10

  # How long, in minutes, to cache errors related to downloading remote media. Once this time
  # has passed, the media is able to be re-requested.
  failureCacheMinutes: 5

  # How many days after a piece of remote content is downloaded before it expires. It can be
  # re-downloaded on demand, this just helps free up space in your datastore. Set to zero or
  # negative to disable. Defaults to disabled.
  expireAfterDays: 91

  # The default size, in bytes, to return for range requests on media. Range requests are used
  # by clients when they only need part of a file, such as a video or audio element. Note that
  # the entire file will still be cached (if enabled), but only part of it will be returned.
  # If the client requests a larger or smaller range, that will be honoured.
  defaultRangeChunkSizeBytes: 10485760 # 10MB default

# URL Preview settings
  enabled: true # If enabled, the preview_url routes will be accessible
  maxPageSizeBytes: 10485760 # 10MB default, 0 to disable

  # If true, the media repository will try to provide previews for URLs with invalid or unsafe
  # certificates. If false (the default), the media repo will fail requests to said URLs.
  previewUnsafeCertificates: false

  # Note: URL previews are limited to a given number of words, which are then limited to a number
  # of characters, taking off the last word if it needs to. This also applies for the title.

  numWords: 50 # The number of words to include in a preview (maximum)
  maxLength: 200 # The maximum number of characters for a description

  numTitleWords: 30 # The maximum number of words to include in a preview's title
  maxTitleLength: 150 # The maximum number of characters for a title

  # The mime types to preview when OpenGraph previews cannot be rendered. OpenGraph previews are
  # calculated on anything matching "text/*". To have a thumbnail in the preview the URL must be
  # an image and the image's type must be allowed by the thumbnailer.
    - "image/*"

  # The number of workers to use when generating url previews. Raise this number if url
  # previews are slow or timing out.
  # Maximum memory usage = numWorkers multiplied by the maximum page size
  # Average memory usage is dependent on how many concurrent urls your users are previewing.
  numWorkers: 10

  # Either allowedNetworks or disallowedNetworks must be provided. If both are provided, they
  # will be merged. URL previews will be disabled if neither is supplied. Each entry must be
  # a CIDR range.
    - ""
    - ""
    - ""
    - ""
    - ""
    - ""
    - '::1/128'
    - 'fe80::/64'
    - 'fc00::/7'
    - "" # "Everything". The blacklist will help limit this.
                  # This is the default value for this field.

  # How many days after a preview is generated before it expires and is deleted. The preview
  # can be regenerated safely - this just helps free up some space in your database. Set to
  # zero or negative to disable. Defaults to disabled.
  expireAfterDays: 91

  # Defaults to disabled.
  oEmbed: false

# The thumbnail configuration for the media repository.
  # The maximum number of bytes an image can be before the thumbnailer refuses.
  maxSourceBytes: 10485760 # 10MB default, 0 to disable

  # The maximum number of pixels an image can have before the thumbnailer refuses. Note that
  # this only applies to image types: file types like audio and video are affected solely by
  # the maxSourceBytes.
  maxPixels: 32000000 # 32M default

  # The number of workers to use when generating thumbnails. Raise this number if thumbnails
  # are slow to generate or timing out.
  # Maximum memory usage = numWorkers multiplied by the maximum image source size
  # Average memory usage is dependent on how many thumbnails are being generated by your users
  numWorkers: 100

  # All thumbnails are generated into one of the sizes listed here. The first size is used as
  # the default for when no width or height is requested. The media repository will return
  # either an exact match or the next largest size of thumbnail.
    - width: 32
      height: 32
    - width: 96
      height: 96
    - width: 320
      height: 240
    - width: 640
      height: 480
    - width: 768   # This size is primarily used for audio thumbnailing.
      height: 240
    - width: 800
      height: 600

  # To allow for thumbnails to be any size, not just in the sizes specified above, set this to
  # true (default false). When enabled, whatever size requested by the client will be generated
  # up to a maximum of the largest possible dimensions in the `sizes` list. For best results,
  # specify only one size in the `sizes` list when this option is enabled.
  dynamicSizing: false

  # The content types to thumbnail when requested. Types that are not supported by the media repo
  # will not be thumbnailed (adding application/json here won't work). Clients may still not request
  # thumbnails for these types - this won't make clients automatically thumbnail these file types.
    - "image/jpeg"
    - "image/jpg"
    - "image/png"
    - "image/apng"
    - "image/gif"
    - "image/heif"
    - "image/webp"
    #- "image/svg+xml" # Be sure to have ImageMagick installed to thumbnail SVG files
    - "audio/mpeg"
    - "audio/ogg"
    - "audio/wav"
    - "audio/flac"
    #- "video/mp4" # Be sure to have ffmpeg installed to thumbnail video files

  # Animated thumbnails can be CPU intensive to generate. To disable the generation of animated
  # thumbnails, set this to false. If disabled, regular thumbnails will be returned.
  allowAnimated: true

  # Default to animated thumbnails, if available
  defaultAnimated: false

  # The maximum file size to thumbnail when a capable animated thumbnail is requested. If the image
  # is larger than this, the thumbnail will be generated as a static image.
  maxAnimateSizeBytes: 10485760 # 10MB default, 0 to disable

  # On a scale of 0 (start of animation) to 1 (end of animation), where should the thumbnailer try
  # and thumbnail animated content? Defaults to 0.5 (middle of animation).
  stillFrame: 0.5

  # How many days after a thumbnail is generated before it expires and is deleted. The thumbnail
  # can be regenerated safely - this just helps free up some space in your datastores. Set to
  # zero or negative to disable. Defaults to disabled.
  expireAfterDays: 91

# Identicons are generated avatars for a given username. Some clients use these to give users a
# default avatar after signing up. Identicons are not part of the official matrix spec, therefore
# this feature is completely optional.
  enabled: true

5. Prepare nginx configuration file

代码: 全选

map $http_upgrade $connection_upgrade {
  default upgrade;
  ''      close;

upstream monolith {
    server fail_timeout=0;

upstream dendrite_media_repo {
    server fail_timeout=0;

server {
  listen 80;
  listen [::]:80;
  server_name xxxxxxxxxxx;
  location /.well-known/acme-challenge/ { allow all; }
  location / { return 301 https://$host$request_uri; }

server {
  listen 443 ssl http2;
  listen [::]:443 ssl http2;
  server_name xxxxxxxxxxx;

  ssl_protocols TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3;
  ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on;
  ssl_session_cache shared:SSL:10m;
  ssl_session_tickets off;
  # curl > /etc/nginx/dhparam
  ssl_dhparam /etc/nginx/dhparam;

  # Uncomment these lines once you acquire a certificate:
  ssl_certificate     /etc/nginx/ssl/xxxxxxxxxxx.cert.pem;
  ssl_certificate_key /etc/nginx/ssl/xxxxxxxxxxx.key.pem;
  ssl_stapling on;
  ssl_stapling_verify on;
  ssl_trusted_certificate /etc/nginx/ssl/xxxxxxxxxxx.cert.pem;

  keepalive_timeout    70;
  sendfile             on;
  client_max_body_size 100m;

  gzip on;
  gzip_disable "msie6";
  gzip_vary on;
  gzip_proxied any;
  gzip_comp_level 6;
  gzip_buffers 16 8k;
  gzip_http_version 1.1;
  gzip_types text/plain text/css application/json application/javascript text/xml application/xml application/xml+rss text/javascript;

  add_header Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000";

  ## well-known
    location /.well-known/matrix/server {
      # Allow access from *
      add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin '*';
      return 200 '{ "m.server": "xxxxxxxxxxx:443" }';

    location /.well-known/matrix/client {
      # Allow access from *
      add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin '*';
      return 200 '{ "m.homeserver": { "base_url": "https://xxxxxxxxxxx/" } }';

  ## Matrix reverse proxy

    ## Matrix HomeServer
    location ~* ^(\/_matrix|\/_synapse\/client) {
        proxy_pass http://monolith;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
        proxy_set_header X-Real-IP       $remote_addr;
        proxy_set_header Host $host;

        # Nginx by default only allows file uploads up to 1M in size
        # Increase client_max_body_size to match max_upload_size defined in homeserver.yaml
        client_max_body_size 100M;
        proxy_http_version 1.1;

    ## Matrix Media API
    location ^~ /_matrix/media {
      proxy_read_timeout 60s;

      # Make sure this matches your homeserver in media-repo.yaml
      # You may have to manually specify it if using delegation or the
      # incoming Host doesn't match.
      proxy_set_header Host xxxxxxxxxxx;
      if ($request_method = OPTIONS) {
        add_header "Access-Control-Allow-Origin"  *;
        add_header "Access-Control-Allow-Methods" "GET, POST, OPTIONS";
        add_header "Access-Control-Allow-Headers" "Authorization, Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept";
        return 200;

      proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
      proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
      proxy_pass http://dendrite_media_repo; # Point this towards media-repo


6. launch the server
test if there are some errors occur

代码: 全选

docker compose up
if everything seems okay, CTRL+C, then

代码: 全选

docker compose up -d
Finally, use matrix federation tester to check your setup:


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