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发表于 : 2023年 5月 11日 20:15
1. 将申请的ssl证书的公钥与私钥合并为pem文件

代码: 全选

cat server.key > server.pem
cat server.crt >> server.pem
2. 使用openssl导出为pkcs12密钥档

代码: 全选

openssl pkcs12 -export -in server.pem -out server.pkcs12
A PKCS12(Public-Key Cryptography Standards) defines an archive-file format for storing server certificates, intermediate certificate if any and private key into a single encryptable file.
A .pem(Privacy Enhanced Mail) file is a container format that may just include the public certificate or the entire certificate chain (private key, public key, root certificates).
https://medium.com/knoldus/how-to-creat ... b0288f2a75