Misaki lives in a rural town situated among lush, green mountains beneath a clear blue sky. Despite graduating from a university in Tokyo, she was unable to find the job she hoped for due to the lack of employment opportunities that befell her generation. Just about everything has gone badly for her and now she is on the verge of turning 40. However, she has dreams of marrying her aging, handicapped mother Mitsuko's care worker, Naoki, who pays visits to their home. Her clandestine meetings with Naoki are one of Misaki's oases from Mitsuko's harsh day-to-day verbal abuse. The other is the bee farm run by her childhood friend Kaori. The honey Kaori diligently works to make is sweet, mild, and soothing. But then Misaki is cruelly betrayed by Naoki. And Kaori abruptly dies. These events drive Misaki's heart to the brink of bursting. "Why did she have to die? "
Re: 玩玩Chatgpt
岬住在一個位於郁郁蔥蔥的綠山和晴朗藍天下的農村小鎮。雖然她從東京大學畢業,卻由於她那一代人就業機會的缺乏而找不到她希望的工作。幾乎每件事對她來說都遭遇了困難,如今她即將步入四十歲。然而,她夢想著嫁給年邁、殘障的母親美津子的護理員直樹,他定期拜訪他們的家。與直樹的秘密會面是岬逃離美津子日常嚴厲言語虐待的樂土之一。另一個樂土是她兒時朋友香織經營的蜜蜂場。香織勤奮地製作的蜂蜜甜美、溫和且舒緩。但是然後岬被直樹殘忍地背叛了。香織突然去世了。這些事件讓岬的心快要爆炸了。「她為什麼要死呢?」ejsoon 写了: 用繁體中文翻譯以下文段:
Misaki lives in a rural town situated among lush, green mountains beneath a clear blue sky. Despite graduating from a university in Tokyo, she was unable to find the job she hoped for due to the lack of employment opportunities that befell her generation. Just about everything has gone badly for her and now she is on the verge of turning 40. However, she has dreams of marrying her aging, handicapped mother Mitsuko's care worker, Naoki, who pays visits to their home. Her clandestine meetings with Naoki are one of Misaki's oases from Mitsuko's harsh day-to-day verbal abuse. The other is the bee farm run by her childhood friend Kaori. The honey Kaori diligently works to make is sweet, mild, and soothing. But then Misaki is cruelly betrayed by Naoki. And Kaori abruptly dies. These events drive Misaki's heart to the brink of bursting. "Why did she have to die? "
Re: 玩玩Chatgpt
Re: 玩玩Chatgpt
這部作品描繪了和身體癱瘓的母親一起生活的美咲的故事。美咲是就業冰河期世代,卻無法得到理想的工作,一切都不順利,只能返回家鄉照顧脾氣古怪的母親。美咲唯一依靠的是好友香織。香織作為一位養蜂人,在自己的節奏中過著充實的生活,但她心中也埋藏著深深的黑暗,患有精神疾病卻不為人知。ejsoon 写了: 將以下文段翻譯成繁體中文:
Re: 玩玩Chatgpt
Personal profile
Dr. Lai Yiu Chi retired as an Associate Professor of the Department of Mathematics and Information Technology in 2023. He continues to help the department teach "Curriculum and Methods" courses and supervise doctoral students.
He obtained his BSc (Hons) degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Hong Kong in 1985. Then he also got his Postgraduate Certificate in Education (HKU), BSc (Applied Computing) (1st hons) (OUHK), MSc (Electronic Commerce &Internet Computing) (Distinction) (HKU), MA (Educational Management) (University of Gloucestershire, UK) and Doctor of Education (University of Leicester, UK).
Dr. Lai has extensive teaching experience in Computer subjects and Mathematics. Before joining the HKIEd, he was a senior graduate master in a secondary school and was the subject coordinator of Computer Studies and Mathematics. His current teaching and research areas include Curriculum and Teaching Methods of ICT subjects and ICT in Education. He is active in educational research and curricular resource development. His publications include school textbooks, workbooks, monographs, journal articles, conference papers, training booklets, newspaper articles, CD-Roms, computer software, and learning websites. He is the principal author of market-leading Pearson titles, "New Senior Secondary Information and Communication Technology" and "Computer and Information Technology for HKCEE".
Re: 玩玩Chatgpt
個人簡介ejsoon 写了: 將以下文段翻譯成繁體中文:
Personal profile
Dr. Lai Yiu Chi retired as an Associate Professor of the Department of Mathematics and Information Technology in 2023. He continues to help the department teach "Curriculum and Methods" courses and supervise doctoral students.
He obtained his BSc (Hons) degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Hong Kong in 1985. Then he also got his Postgraduate Certificate in Education (HKU), BSc (Applied Computing) (1st hons) (OUHK), MSc (Electronic Commerce &Internet Computing) (Distinction) (HKU), MA (Educational Management) (University of Gloucestershire, UK) and Doctor of Education (University of Leicester, UK).
Dr. Lai has extensive teaching experience in Computer subjects and Mathematics. Before joining the HKIEd, he was a senior graduate master in a secondary school and was the subject coordinator of Computer Studies and Mathematics. His current teaching and research areas include Curriculum and Teaching Methods of ICT subjects and ICT in Education. He is active in educational research and curricular resource development. His publications include school textbooks, workbooks, monographs, journal articles, conference papers, training booklets, newspaper articles, CD-Roms, computer software, and learning websites. He is the principal author of market-leading Pearson titles, "New Senior Secondary Information and Communication Technology" and "Computer and Information Technology for HKCEE".
Re: 玩玩Chatgpt
有一天,小明用電腦打字時,突然發現他的中文輸入法出了點問題。每次他輸入一個字母,就會自動跳出五個詞選項。小明很煩惱,但他決定嘗試一下。ejsoon 写了: 講一個關於中文輸入法的笑話。
Re: 玩玩Chatgpt
ChatGPT是一個自然語言處理模型,它是透過預訓練的方式學習到大量的文字資料,包括笑話。然而,幽默是主觀的,每個人對笑話的感受不同。因此,ChatGPT無法完全理解什麼是好笑的,也無法辨別各種文化、背景和個人喜好的差異。ejsoon 写了: 為甚麼chatgpt講的笑話一點也不好笑?
Re: 玩玩Chatgpt
要成为更好的人,你可以尝试以下几个方法:ejsoon 写了: 如何使自己成為更好的人?
1. 自我反省:定期回顾自己的行为和决策,并思考是否有改进的空间。识别自己的弱点和不足,并努力克服它们。
2. 学习和成长:持续学习新的知识和技能,通过阅读书籍、参加培训课程或寻求导师的指导来扩展自己的思维和视野。
3. 保持积极心态:学会忍受困难和挫折,以积极的方式看待问题,并寻找解决方案。培养感恩和乐观的心态,以及自我激励的能力。
4. 培养良好的品德:坚持诚实、正直、宽容和善良的品德,与他人建立良好的关系并尊重他人。
5. 培养好习惯:建立健康的生活习惯,如规律作息、健康饮食和定期锻炼。同时,养成高效的时间管理和自我组织能力。
6. 关注他人:培养同情心和关怀他人的意识。主动参加志愿者工作或为他人提供帮助,能够提升自己的人际交往和表达能力。
7. 设立目标:明确自己的长期和短期目标,并制定可行的计划来实现它们。持之以恒地迈向目标,同时学会适时调整计划。
8. 承担责任:对自己的行为负责,并承担自己应尽的义务。主动承担责任和挑战,并尽量避免推卸责任。
9. 学会原谅:学会宽容和原谅他人的过失和错误。不抱怨、埋怨或纠缠于过去的问题,而是放下过去,向前看。
10. 坚持做自己:保持真实和坚定的信念,不为他人的评论或期望所动摇。认识到每个人都有独特的价值和贡献。
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