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safe space. [ jazzhop / chill beat ]|BigRicePiano

发表于 : 2021年 7月 9日 20:12

It's BigRicePiano again with a very special release: 'safe space' is my first ever jazzhop-ish /chill beat and is also putting more prominence and presence on the guitar. Similarly to my ambient work, I'm only starting out, so I do have a lot to learn, practice and discover yet. At the same time, experiments like these feel very refreshing, motivating and rewarding to me. It's just so much fun to explore new areas of music and new ways to express myself.

I do understand that this is strolling somewhat away from my usual work and it's definitely not 'only piano' anymore. I'm still adding the piano prominently to all my songs to live up to my name, but if you prefer me to create a new artist alias for this kind of music, please let me know!

Also, I collaborated with the amazing Shania Vivian on this video. Her art is absolutely beautiful and charmingly detailed, this one in particular. I also think that she is way too underrated, so plase support her if you like her work. You can find her social media channels in this description above!
safe space.webp
safe space.webp (53.99 KiB) 查看 463 次
Song designed by BigRicePiano
Art work created by Shaniavivian

BigRicePiano: https://www.youtube.com/c/BigRicePiano
Shaniavivian: https://www.instagram.com/shaniaviviann/ and https://twitter.com/shaniaviviann