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Quietness - Beautiful & Sad Piano Music with Rainfall |BigRicePiano

发表于 : 2022年 4月 27日 19:12

I personally think there is a difference between quietness and silence. Silence, the absence of sound, can still feel loud to us, the noise of noiselessness that makes us feel so anxious, so on edge. It's the sound of loneliness that can be really loud, a relentless hammering in our ears.

Quietness on the other hand feels different to me. It's a gentle state of silence, allowing non-intrusive noises and little comforting sounds that are making us feel at ease, at peace and not alone.

One of the most pleasent sounds of quietness to me is the sound of rain, silent enough to not distract and overwhelm, loud enough to combat the silent emptiness of our surroundings.
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